PUP-ADPROS to launch BETWEEN THE LI(N)ES, a disinformation-fighting event
It isn't new knowledge for everyone how the 2022 Elections affected how relevant in society the information crisis is. With this, many have been, and are still continuing to be victims of this setback.
The Advertising and Public Relations (ADPR) practitioners are widely critiqued as "chief architects" of disinformation in the country, specifically during the election period. Herewith, the PUP ADPR Organization of Students (ADPROS) is set to conduct an event entitled BETWEEN THE LI(N)ES: CRITICAL ADPR IN A POST TRUTH-WORLD.
The main aim of the said event is to introduce measures in fighting disinformation and realign the intentions as future practitioners in the field to the students.
This six-month long campaign will emphasize in honing ADPR students with regards to combating disinformation through different phases.
The first phase is called the "Informing Phase" which will be conducted through a 3-Video Podcast Series entitled "Using Conversations as a Self-Defense in Combatting Disinformation" this last week of January 2023 until 2nd week of February 2023.
The three podcasts will focus on different topics. The first one would be tackling how the role of internet artworks became far more influential and opinion-serving among the youth. The second would be about the ways in helping our loved ones to have better knowledge about healthy information spreading. And lastly, the unpacking of the must-have characteristics of a "Good Marites".